Our community decided in 2008 that the mission of our parish was life-long learning. Everything we do centers around teaching the depth and richness of the Roman Catholic Faith. Our weekly 3-Minute Catechesis is read from the Ambo prior to Mass beginning. A written copy is made available in our weekly bulletin along with additional information for those who want to learn more. Visit us online at www.risensaviorcc.org for more information.

Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Joseph: Patron of the Universal Church

Most of what we know about Joseph comes from Scripture, specifically from the gospels of Matthew and Luke; in the gospels of Mark and John, there is no mention of him.

Joseph was not a rich man; we know this because when he took the baby Jesus to the Temple to be circumcised and Mary to be purified in obedience to the law, he offered the sacrifice of two turtledoves, which meant he could not afford a lamb, the customary sacrifice.

We know that Joseph was a carpenter, a working man, because Matthew tells us that people are astonished at Jesus’ wisdom and deeds and ask, "Is this not the carpenter's son?"

Despite his humble work and means, Joseph came from a royal lineage. Luke and Matthew both mark his descent from David, the greatest king of Israel. And the angel who tells Joseph about Jesus greets him as "son of David.”

We know Joseph was a compassionate, caring man. When he discovered Mary was pregnant after they had been betrothed, he decided to divorce her quietly and not expose her to shame or cruelty.

We know Joseph was man of faith, obedient to whatever God asked of him without knowing the outcome. When the angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him the truth about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph immediately took Mary as his wife. After the birth of Jesus, when the angel came again to tell him that his family was in danger, Joseph acted quickly, fleeing to a strange country with his young wife and the baby. He waited in Egypt until the angel told him it was safe to go back.

We know Joseph loved Jesus, and was concerned for his safety. When Jesus stayed behind in the Temple, we are told, Joseph, together with Mary, searched Jerusalem for three days for him.

Since Joseph does not appear in Jesus' public life, at His death, or His resurrection, many historians believe Joseph probably had died before Jesus entered public ministry.

In the Catholic Church, we celebrate two feast days for Joseph: March 19th for Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and May 1st for Joseph the Worker.

There is much we wish we could know about Joseph: where and when he was born; how he spent his days; when and how he died. But Matthew tells us what is most important: that Joseph was "a righteous man.”

Because he is the patron of the universal Church, we pray that Saint Joseph watches over the Church and helps to protect it and guide it as carefully as he looked after Jesus.

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